Mike Gomes loves writing fast paced, action packed novels for Young Adults and Adults. The desire to create fun, page turning books that lets readers slip away into another world is what drives him to write. Mike grew up just 20 miles outside of Boston Massachusetts. After high school he attended Northeastern University and majored in journalism. With the fall of newspapers to the internet in the mid 1990’s Mike looked for a new path. He graduated from Boston College with a masters in social work in 1998 and has worked as a therapist in outpatient clinician and emergency rooms for nearly 20 years. He always had the desire to keep writing, but between work and family, time was limited. After a desire to put the stories he would tell his kids on car rides and before bed into a book, he learned about print on demand and realized it was possible to put the stories into book form and give them to his kids so they could always have them. That was the spark that lit the fire to start writing again. Mike has a trilogy for teens and young adults called The Young Adventures Club and has started a new series for adults called The Falau Files. Mike lives with his wife, four children and two really big dogs in Massachusetts.
Mike’s website is mikegomeswrites.com or he can be found on Facebook at Facebook.com/MikeGomesWritesBooks/
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
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