Killer Music (part 2) by Tammy L. Grace
Narrated by Heston Mosher
Tammy L. Grace is an award-winning fiction author who brings readers entertaining stories that take them on an emotional journey, filled with complex relationships of friendship and family in her Hometown Harbor Series. In her Cooper Harrington Detective Novels, readers will delight in the fast paced whodunits, featuring Coop and his loyal golden retriever, Gus. Set in Nashville, Coop, a snarky t-shirt wearing lawyer turned private detective, with the help of his dog and faithful friend and assistant, Annabelle, work to solve murder mysteries with plenty of twists.
Born and raised in Nevada, Tammy loved reading at a young age. With the help of her middle school teacher, she discovered the joy of writing. After spending a career in local and state government service, she retired and finally has the time to dedicate to writing. When Tammy isn't working on ideas for a novel, she's spending time with family and friends or supporting her addiction to books and chocolate. She and her husband have one grown son and a spoiled golden retriever.
Tammy invites you to join her exclusive reader group by subscribing on her website at
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of
"Riptide" and "Mistake the Getaway" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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