Spider's Eyes (pt 1) by Marco Guarda
Author Marco Guarda first discovered the marvels of science fiction in the library of the small town he grew up in—and where he still lives—when Internet was a fable, and computers only existed at IBM. From Bradbury to Asimov, to Clarke, to Simak, to Ballard, up to—last, but not least—Philip K. Dick, he craved the worlds where almost everything was possible, eternally in awe of the authors whose creations trespassed the boundaries of the written page to crash into a reader’s reality. Now a grown-up himself, Marco Guarda has set out to creating his own worlds. Author of Credence (a science fiction thriller and mind bender,) of Uncatchable (a military space adventure,) and of a dozen novelettes, he’s always cooking up ideas for more stories. He maintains a website at worldofcredence.com where the latest updates about his work can be found.
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
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