Laurence O’Bryan is the founder of BooksGoSocial and the Dublin Writers Conference. He is also a published author.
Laurence had three novels published by Harper Collins in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These were translated and published in 10 languages. The Istanbul Puzzle, his first novel, was shortlisted for Irish Crime Novel of the Year, 2012. It also won the Southern California Writers Conference Grand Prize. He also self published Social Media is Dynamite For Writers, and another two novels in the puzzle series.
Laurence started to help other authors get discovered. The service has helped promote over 5,000 international authors, mainly from the U.S.. His background includes twenty-five years in marketing and sales. Laurence is also on the committee of the Irish Writers Union.
The author's website and blog can be found at His other online sites are:
Twitter: @lpobryan
Pinterest: Pinterest/BooksGoSocial
Periscope: Periscope
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