Dave Robinson writes. He’s also a father, a reader, gamer, a comic fan, and a hockey fan.
The problem with those terms is that they don’t so much describe the person as label him; the map is not the territory. Calling him a father says nothing about how his daughter thinks he’s silly. It ignores the essence of the relationship for the convenience of simplicity. It’s the same with his love of books, comics, role-playing games, and hockey; labels miss all the good parts.
The best way to understand a writer is to read their works. Writing is like telepathy; it’s a window from one mind to another. The Doc Vandal series is Dave’s attempt to recreate what he likes to describe as “Yesterday’s Tomorrow.” This is his homage to the pulps, from Doc Savage and the Shadow to Astounding Stories, Planet Stories and so much more. Expect to see giant robots, alien races, lost cities, and world-spanning conspiracies. He calls it “Dieselpulp Dialed to Eleven.”
If you want a biography: Dave was born in the UK, grew up in Canada, and has spent time in the US. He currently lives in a small town on the Pacific coast with his family, the newest member of which is a cat with thumbs. He’s been freelancing for the last decade, and as a ghostwriter he’s done everything from blog posts to novels. Before that, and in no particular order, he managed a bookstore, worked in a pawnshop, and been the guy you get transferred to when you ask a phone rep for a supervisor. He even cleaned carpets for a living.
Right now, Dave is working on Doc Vandal and the team’s next adventure.
You can find Dave on Twitter where he's @DCRWrites and he blogs at DocVandal.Wordpress.com
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
"Riptide" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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