A prolific author, P.G. Wodehouse is best known for having created the comedic pair of Wooster and Jeeves, a young well-to-do society gentleman traipsing about London nearly a century hence, and his insightful and capable valet. However, these were not the only Wodehouse creations eagerly anticipated by avid readers of his day. One such character was Mr. Psmith, an impeccably attired logophile in a monocle who, like Wodehouse himself, briefly worked for a bank; but who, unlike the author, then attended Cambridge to study law. He later purchases a magazine and spends some time working in the fish selling business before finally winding up as secretary to a British Lord. However, his vocation is less significant than his avocations, as the stories involve his leisure activities with his sidekick and cricketing buddy, Mike Jackson. Psmith spelled his name with a silent P to distinguish himself from the sundry other Smiths that dot the landscape, and is the go-to for his friends when they find themselves in a pickle. Another favorite character of Wodehouse's was Lord Emsworth, the man who eventually hired young Psmith as secretary, and the head of Blandings Castle, a location which makes frequent appearances in a number of Wodehouse stories. Lord Emsworth is not especially bright, eschews his duties, and prefers to spend his time sleeping, gardening, or caring for his pet pig. The various characters and fictional locations form a sort of internal shared-universe, and characters from one series will frequently make an appearance in another.
The Charleston by James P. Johnson Public Domain
All other music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
"Riptide" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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