Justin Bohardt became a writer because he realized early in life that creating alternative realities was infinitely preferably than living in the existing one. A former reporter, he moonlights as an auditor for a Fortune 100 insurance company while crafting new worlds in every second of free time that he can find.
His fiction has appeared in magazines such as Hungur, Outposts of the Beyond, Potter’s Field, The Drabbler, and Micro 100; while his poetry has been featured in Scifaikuest, Aoife’s Kiss, The Martian Wave, and Champagne Shivers. Bohardt also contributes to the occasional trade publication and teaches the occasional class. He resides in Iowa with his family.
Justin can be found on Twitter at @gggeflat, His Facebook page is theauthorJustinBohardt, or you can find him at his website.
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
"Riptide" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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