George Mazzeo spent thirty years as an Air Force pilot and, after retirement, seven years as a Professor of Aviation Science. His passions include reading, writing, the outdoors and all things aviation. He published his first non-fiction work, Sleeping Dogs…Ethics in the Workplace, in 2001 and it has enjoyed a successful run over the ensuing fifteen years. In June of 2016 he published his first novel, Chasing Dragons. It’s an adventure mystery centered around a missing courier and stolen treasure….specially minted gold coins known as Golden Dragons. The setting is the South Pacific in the year immediately following the end of World War II. Pilot, Duke Kellogg, his crew and fledgling airline find themselves embroiled in a series of adventures involving mystery, intrigue and deception as they fly from island to island trying to survive while Chasing Dragons.
More info on George can be found at his website,
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