When his friend is murdered on the streets in a way eerily familiar to him, a war vet and ne'er-do-well from the Frisco Streets decides to take matters into his own hands.
Death in the Sunset by Guy Riessen
Guy Riessen has been a devoted horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fan from day one…maybe it was year five, I dunno, those early years are a little hazy from this end. A game master and role-playing zealot who happily creates worlds for any system from D&D to Call of Cthulhu, Guy found the siren call to write impossible to ignore, so he loaded up his truck and he moved to Beverly…
No wait, hold on, that’s jumping the gun … he was a phlebotomist--before it was even cool to be a phlebotomist. Then, not ready to give up the ‘ph,’ he spent several years working in a photolab back when cameras had to be filled with stuff called film, which despite the name, had almost nothing to do with soap scum. Oh, and there were a dozen years spent drawing pixels on a screen and calling it video game art … followed by another dozen years drawing pixels on a screen, but this time calling it visual effects for motion pictures. There was some other stuff mixed in there—construction, computer programming, game designing, a degree from UC Berkeley—but when there’s a siren call, you answer it, right? I mean, it ain’t Avon, it’s an effin’ siren, yeah?
So he decided to start creating high-octane thrill-rides, made of cool words and rad punctuation, about badass Miskatonic Researchers laying down the hurt on the minions of the Mythos, and other sweet dark fiction rides jacked up on nitrous, with a wide-open throttle. And that’s when you guys join the story, so buckle up, man. It’s time to fire up the e-reader and get ready to rock and roll.
Or you could do the tea thing, in a comfy chair, cuddled up with your paperback or your e-reader. There’s always that, and Guy won’t judge. He’s cool like that.
Visit his website at https://www.guyriessen.com
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of Incompetech.com
"Riptide" and "Long Note 2" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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