Too Close to the Edge - Kathryn Meyer Griffith
Since childhood Kathryn Meyer Griffith has been an artist working as a graphic designer in the corporate world and for newspapers for twenty-three years before she quit to write full time. She’d already begun writing novels at 21, over forty-four years ago now, and she’s written over twenty-two novels in a variety of genres, two novellas and twelve short stories published from Zebra Books, Leisure Books, Avalon Books, The Wild Rose Press, Damnation Books/Eternal Press; and she has self-published her last six novels with Amazon Kindle Direct. She also recently regained the rights to her entire back-catalog and has republished them all with brand new covers. Her Dinosaur Lake novels and Spookie Town Mysteries are her best-sellers, and she was a finalist in the EPIC EBOOK AWARDS for 2012 and 2014.
She has been married to Russell for thirty-six years. They live in a small quaint town in Illinois with their quirky cat, Sasha in an old house in the heart of town. Together they have a son and two grandchildren. As Kathryn says, “Though I’ve been an artist, and a folk singer in my youth with my brother Jim, writing has always been my greatest passion, my butterfly stage, and I’ll probably write stories until the day I die…or until my memory goes.”
Her books can be found at, and her audiobooks can be found on Her website can be found at
All music by Kevin MacLeod used under creative commons 3.0 license courtesy of
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