Mark was a writer, a musician, a singer, and a teacher. He died last year after a brief illness which was never properly diagnosed, but which quickly spread to his blood causing sepsis. His loss is still jarring. So in Mark's honor, I got permission from his family to use music he recorded for his one-man project which he called Dreamcrush. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity he was involved with called Team Mojo.
Team Mojo is an NPO which provides music lessons free-of-charge to underprivileged youth. You can lean more about them by visiting their website at teammojofoundation.org.
The audiobook version of the cover features a photo-manipulation I made of a photo I shot of my then teenage daughter. The ebook cover also featured a photo I shot of my daughter, or at least her left arm.
Anyway, for the next several weeks, I will be podcasting the stories again, each re-leveled, cleaned up, and featuring the music of Dreamcrush. The first episode drops September 16. Enjoy.